बेहतर नौकरी पाने के लिए अच्छा विकल्प है लग्जरी ब्रांड मैनेजमेंट

There is immense potential for a career in the field of management. One of them is the luxury brand management course after which you can easily find jobs.
Luxury Brand ManagementIf you are good things and have faith in you so Aesthetic luxury brand management can be good for your career. In India, the way is becoming increasingly developed luxury market, considering retail and service for professionals trained in this area are becoming quite spot.
London School of Business and Management MBA with specialization in Luxury Management is making. You Fulltime course, can a part-time or online. Regular MBA studies as well as the course Students also teaches marketing strategies for luxury brands and brand value to relations between the kind.
Job Opportunity:The graduate course Luxury Sales Advisor, visual Mrchedaijr, Luxury Event Planner can become. Fashion and luxury consultant or can find work as wardrobe manager.
Salary:Starting salary of Rs 40,000 per month. Rs 45,000. Maybe between. It further Rs 5 lakh per month. Can gain access to. Among the many kinds of these jobs pay and other amenities may include Insentiv.
Where the course:London School of Business and Finance several campuses in London, Birmingham and Manchester are in.Luxury Connect Business School, Gurgaon.

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