8 new courses which draws in millions salary

Spirutual Theology food photography from several new courses are in trend. Here are just a few courses in information, which can make choosing your career ..
1. Luxury Brand ManagementIf you are good things and have faith in you so Aesthetic luxury brand management can be good for your career. In India, the way is becoming increasingly developed luxury market, considering retail and service professionals skilled in this area are becoming quite spot.
London School of Business and Management MBA with specialization in Luxury Management is making. You Fulltime course, can a part-time or online. Regular MBA studies as well as the course Students also teaches marketing strategies for luxury brands and brand value to relations between the kind.
Job OpportunityThe graduate course Luxury Sales Advisor, visual Mrchedaijr, Luxury Event Planner can become. Fashion and luxury consultant or can find work as wardrobe manager.SalaryBetween Rs 40,000 and Rs 45,000 per month starting salary can be. It further Rs 5 lakh per month. Can gain access to. Among the many kinds of these jobs pay and other amenities may include Insentiv.Where the course?London School of Business and Finance several campuses in London, Birmingham and Manchester are in.Luxury Connect Business School, Gurgaon.www.isbf.org.ukwww.lcbs.edu.in; admission@org.uk
2. Spa TherapyWhen you think about your brain spa therapist soothing voice, soft touch and comfort of behavior that conveys a picture emerges. Orient Spa Academy, which has campuses in Jaipur and Ahmedabad, spa therapy provides professional diploma courses.
Anyone can do this course, provided him mentally and physically relieve people to be interested in and that it might wish to make a career. Students who started in the course of the spa therapy can be taught the basic massage modes and a professional massage therapist is developed.
The human body composition, physical activity, Ayurvedic and Oriental Therepion and covers topics such as aesthetic treatment. The module is placed on culture and communication, which is very important to student learning environment should be like in the spa and a massage therapist on how they should behave. As an essential part of the course students take a five-star spa resort called professional experience. The Institute runs programs at Spa Management and Operations.
Job Opportunity: Students who complete the course in a Spa and Resort Thirepist or Aesthetishian can find jobs. After completing this course, you can freely install your spa.Salary:Starting salary in the first year may be one to two lakh.Where the course?Orient Spa Academy SP -36 B, Araiaisio Industrial Area, Delhi-Jaipur Highway, Jaipurwww.orientspaacademy.cominfo@orientspaacademy.com
3. Food Photography and StylingA tasty and tempting sweets that entice the mind to learn the tricks of photography and food photography and styling workshop then enrolled in law Kordn blue bike. In the course of the foods and the main principles can be taught basic photography. The course for the food styling plate design, the right lighting and camera techniques are taught about all the important details.
Nowadays, such as the hospitality industry is increasingly welcome international restaurant chains and native restaurants are buried flags of success, considering the course trained food photographers and stylists may provide the best opportunity for a job. This three-day course and it does not need any academic qualifications.
The course fee: 550 poundsJob Opportunity:Applicants job opportunities can be found in luxury and food magazines. Restaurants, hospitality and food blogging as consultant to field.Salary:You can earn Rs 30,000 and above, depending on your work.Where the course?This course September 2015 in London, is being held in La Kordn Blue campus.www.cordonbleu.edu
4. Political Communications:In the last few years has been a revolution in the ways of politics and campaigning, as has been seen in the recent elections. Political parties during elections and beyond to help her contact the Department engaged the services of professionals who are versatile. The Gurgaon-based Indian School of Communications and reputation these days is making course Post Graduate Diploma in Political Communications. Under this course Senstivitij managing political, age and Evolution of Social Elections are taught as a subject of political communication. All these topics are emphasized in the current Indian political system.
Job Opportunity:After the course the student can find a job or political office Communication Manager Communication Consultancy agencies can work.Salary:The job in the first year annual salary of Rs 3.5 lakh to 4 lakh can find.Where the course?The Indian School of Communications and ReputationMGF Metropolis, MG Road, Gurgaonwww.scoreindia.org:office@scoreindia.org
5. T Testing:You probably have a secret about his morning tea not know. To enhance the taste of your favorite tea leaf tea makers long professional services of T Testron are coming. These t-leaf tea taste tester, to test its quality and preparation that hires professionals.
Bangalore's Indian Institute of Plantation Management Certificate Program tea under its Business Management, Market Information, T-testing techniques and methods are studied. The Tea Board of India and the Ministry of Commerce in collaboration with the course is free. This course also provides industry recognition. The modern laboratory at the Institute of T-testing, as well as national and international experts Students t t testing unit testing techniques teach about. Students taking the tea market information, opportunities and taught in detail about his consumption.
Job Opportunity:The graduate course Indian and international tea companies plus tea buyers can find jobs here. Beverage companies and tea plantations are wonderful sights for the job.Salary:Starting salary of Rs 3 lakh per annum. 5 lakh. May be up.Where the course?Indian Institute of Plantation Management, Jnana Bharathi Campus, PO Mlathlli, Bangalorewww.iipmb.edu.in; admissions@iipmb.edu.in
6. Spirutual TheologySpirituality, the science, art and faith, based on the study of different, surprising to many people is the topic. Students who are interested in spirituality, they Sprichualiti diploma from the Indian Institute of Bangalore can. Students in this course to the east and west is informed about spirituality. The psychology, church sermons, youth animation and used to study about the Civil Law. Students are required to prepare theses based on scientific jurisprudence. The ashram life, different religions have to take part in programs and prayer meetings so that they could introduce spiritual knowledge contained in different religions.
Job Opportunity:The graduate can work as a spiritual counselor. The kids to school or who are interested in social service homes for older people can give spiritual advice or preaching.Salary: 25,000 to 18,000 monthly salary can find spiritual consultant.Where the course?Indian Institute Sprichualiti, PB No. 5639, Dr. Rajkumar Road, Rajaji Nagar, First Block, Bangalorewww.iisirituality.org; iispirituality@yahoo.com
7. MBA in Football Industries:The University of Liverpool is the world's only university which offers an MBA degree in Football Industries. The goal of this course student of modern management in the sports industry is to provide the qualifications required for the job. By applying the principles of business in football management student takes a very different understanding of management theory. This course is also the practical vocational training, communication and leadership skills in the student so that they grow all over the world in the most popular football game can make a career as a manager.
Liverpool in northwest England, football is the center of activities, which the English football clubs because the course Students get a chance to make contact. The Union of European Football Associations University and several football clubs, working with organizations such as the project is based. During the course Students from these institutions and the guest speaker to come face to face with their experiences and provide information.
Job Opportunity:The course graduates can find a job as manager of football clubs and various leagues and can apply their knowledge in the football field.Salary:Individual clubs may have different pay. Yet starting annual salary ranging from 20,000 pounds to 25,000 pounds can be.Where the course:Foundation of the University of LiverpoolBuilding, Brownlow Hill, Liverpoolwww.IIv.ac.uk
8. Ethical Hacking:This is good news for computer lovers. They are now working to move away from coding Ubau some extremely challenging work. Most people are considered a bad word to hacking and theft him understand the work but now a growing demand for professionals who understand well the dangers of hacking. These people know the cause of hacking all tactics to counter the threats and hacking attempts of those who can circumvent. Kolkata, co-founder of the Indian School of Ethical Hacking Abir Atarthy and Sandeep Sengupta says, these days of hacking incidents are increasing rapidly so knowledgeable professionals need to stop them hacking is felt that corporate networks and websites to avoid being hacked. Allowing the company or legitimate ethical hacker is at the bottom of the corporate network and some new measure removes his safety. "
Indian School of Ethical Hacking legitimate or certificate courses on ethical hacking are going to be called. This course is also taught how to write secure coding in order to prevent websites from being hacked. The institute also provides many other specialized courses, such as the network penetration testing and web application penetration testing and web application penetration testing can be additionally studied.
Job Opportunity:Ethical hackers, network penetration testing and web penetration tester can get the job. IT security auditors and security analysts themselves can present as.Salary:This of course is that they graduate with a B Tech or MCA degree of initial salary as Rs 30,000 to 27,000 per month. You can find. Who has a degree in another subject at the beginning of Rs 20,000 per month. The salary can get.Where the course?Aisoiac Salt LakeInfinity Benchmark Building, Salt Lake Electronics Complex, Sector-5, Kolkata.www.isoeh.com; info@isoeh.com

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