Digital India: cheap, world class too?

Under this campaign, what is happening? How will chests? What are the obstacles? What are the experts saying? Digital India campaign, examining every aspect of the BBC Hindi special series.
Who is considered the father of the telecommunications revolution in India by Sam Pitroda told BBC Google Hangout basic issues such as call drop and connectivity battling India in India how the digital revolution is possible?
Also Pitroda are told about his association with Rajiv Gandhi and Narendra Modi, calling the possibility of coming back to India. Read Sam Pitroda thought ...
Rajiv Gandhi was at the time of the introduction of digital India. In the 1980s, the National Informatics Centre (NIS, NIC) was created. Since then a lot of people in this area are trained. Systems are developed. In the last 30 years we have learned a lot. Many new things are new.Today the government is saying that India is becoming digital, so it is just Reepackejing. In the last several years, which has become the government has been pursuing the same work, which should congratulate him.
They also have to understand that India can not only create a new website from the digital. Must make major structural changes to the government. Tremendous improvements in the administration and the judiciary will do.
People complain of call drop and poor connectivity. We call drop and improve bandwidth also is to create a blueprint for India as well as digital. It may not improve until the call drop by then STOP Digital India. We have all the things together.
There is no doubt that the call drop is a major problem in India. One reason is that in our annual revenue per phone (user on revenues) is very short. In India, the Government on the phone about 6 dollars (about Rs 380), while in other countries it's 50 dollars (about Rs 3172) is.
The so little revenue can not be spent on network quality. So, who are the operators they save money. Suppose that the network makes 20 thousand people, 40 thousand people to attach themselves to it, so be sure to drop the call.
The remedy is that many more people should be made for those networks. For that would cost much, much rates will have to call people. Suppose if the user has a revenue of $ 6 instead of $ 12 will be given the money and the network will be better.
But in India, people want cheap phones. In India, people should call the rest of the world five or six times cheaper but quality as the rest of the world should be. Should make public pressure on operators so that they provide better quality.Modi came calling? :I came to India at the invitation of Rajiv Gandhi. I was 10 years old at that time. I changed his citizenship to American Indians made. I have done a lot in that time. Telephone, technology missions, immunization, literacy, drinking water, dairy products, such as work on issues.
But when Rajiv Gandhi was assassinated, I was very sad. He was prime minister for the people, they were everything to me. They were inspiring to me and friend. He gave us new life. By the time I was in India I never did not pay. Worked in a Rs. Used to absorb costs. But the US had to come back due to the children's education. Later I came back and Knowledge Commission has worked in the UPA regime.
If Modi's call so I will not come back because their calculation is different and I differ. But as citizens will all work, but we will also be told we do not have any post-Vd. If our country is to benefit from our work, we must.

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