Birthday Special: 5 Important Things to Know about Stephen Hawkins

World renowned scientist Stephen Hawking modern science due to his knowledge and research have a distinct identity.
5 Important Things to Know about them ..

1. He was born January 8, 1942 in the United Kingdom.

2. Despite his physical disability are today the world's largest scientific. They called Amayotrofik lateral Selerosis disease. The disease of the nervous system in the human body movement gradually goes over and Communication Power is finished. Hawkins any part of their body except the brain does not function.

3. Hawkins told once that his illness has played the biggest role in making them scientific. Disease before they were paid little attention to his studies, but he seems that he is not alive during the disease are going to stay, after which he put all his Dhyana Research. Hawkins did research on black halls.

4. Black Halls in 1974 by the extraordinary research to turn his theory because they have become a celebrity in the world of science. Hawkins said through his research that God created the world, but it is not the result of the laws of physics. Stephen in his book "The Grand Design" that rules like gravity and the universe could create itself from nothing. The universe is the result of a dynamic creation.

5. Hawkins estimates that global warming and humanity can be destroyed due to new viruses.

Stephen Hawkins important books
A Brief History of Time
The Grand Design
Universe The Nutshell
My Brief History
The theory of Avrithyng

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